AFQT Test Questions

Sure Notes help students prepare with practice questions

Sure Notes - Helping you learn

Test questions within the ASVAB Prep Tests’ pool have an associated Sure Note; a powerful explanation to help you to understand the actual concept being reviewed by the question. If you understand the key concepts then you are prepared to face any similar questions, even if the wording being used is different.

This level of understanding is fundamental in avoiding secondary memorization and is the key to effectively preparing for the ASVAB.

How do Sure Notes work?

All tests are available in two formats: Immediate Sure Notes and Traditional Sure Notes. The difference is when the review of each question occurs, as follows:

Immediate Sure Notes
The test taker is shown the accuracy of their answer along with the question’s Sure Note immediately after completing the question. This allows the user to review their answer, the correct answer and the Sure Note for each question before moving on to the next.

Traditional Sure Notes
With this version, the user is allowed to review each question and its Sure Note, but only after completion of the entire test. This style provides a test experience that mirrors the real ASVAB, but still provides a full and detailed review of each question after the test has been completed.

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